Filmy > Rob Wilmot - Changing the world one idea at a time

O prelekcji:

Rob Wilmot believes that someone out there, in your community, already has a brilliant idea that would make all the difference to your organisation. In this talk, he shares his tips for how to go about finding it.

Rob is a seasoned entrepreneur, who became one of the youngest executive officers of a FTSE 100 company at the age of 29. Since then, he has continued to create and invest in numerous technology startups and dedicate himself to the improvement of society through his work in government and the third sector. He has 10 years experience of introducing entrepreneurial principles into local and national government. His latest venture is Crowdicity, a cloud based idea management platform, which is driving innovation into the heart of large corporates, municipal authorities and government agencies around the world, one idea at a time

Nagrane podczas: TEDxKraków 2015

O prelegencie:

Rob spędził ostatnie 10 lat na promowaniu nowych technologii w instytucjach publicznych. Stworzył platformę społecznościową Crowdicity, która wprowadza ‘crowd-sourcing’ pomysłów w dużych korporacjach i agencjach rządowych na całym świecie.

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