Whew! It’s hard to believe, but we made it through TEDxKraków 2012 more or less intact! Not only that, but we had an incredible time, from the set-up all the way through the afterparty (though the morning after… not so much). We hope you left Manghha as jubilant, inspired and itching to make the world a better place as we did!
Now that the dust has settled, we would like to thank everyone that made this incredible event possible. First of all, our inspiring speakers and artists, who left us questioning our assumptions and yearning to know more (all while keeping us plenty entertained). And of course our sponsors, who believed in our little event enough to make it a reality (and gave us some pretty amazing food, yum!). Our wonderful audience, who surprised us with their creativity and openness. And last but not least, the entire TEDxKraków crew, who not only made the entire event possible in the first place, but also built a freakin’ grass van!
And speaking of our crew, a big thanks to our photographers, who have already uploaded photos to our TEDxKraków Flickr account!
So what’s next, you may ask? Well, the fun continues just next week, with our first TEDxKrakówCinema after a long summer break. Join us at Kino Pauza at Florianska 18 (some of you may vaguely remember this as the same spot where we afterpartied long into the night, but upstairs) on Tuesday, 2 October at 7 pm. This month, our guest host will be Marcin Lassota, a lawyer specializing in copyright law, and partner at the Lassota and Partners law firm. As always, we’ll be watching TED Talks curated by the month’s host, and this month’s subject will be the use of cultural works on the Internet and Internet creativity. Topics will include Radiohead, the public domain and the (un)suitability of copyright laws.
Also, keep checking our blog, Facebook and Twitter, as soon we’ll start uploading videos of the Talks and performances of TEDxKraków 2012. Despite a few technical snags (sorry Kristen!), we think the quality of these videos is sure to surpass anything we’ve done before, so we’re really looking forward to the Internet’s reaction!
Thanks to everyone who participated once again, and here’s looking forward to TEDxKraków 2013!