Save the date!

Kraków, like all cities around the world, is changing, and we think we’ve got a lot going for us – a lot of very well-educated residents, a long and rich historical and cultural tradition, a beautiful setting, a vibrant startup community and an energy that is difficult to describe, yet is felt by us all.

We’re also observing many of the same trends that are seen in urban locations worldwide: the strength of online and offline social networks, a discussion of what the idea of “local” means in a globalising world, not to mention community-building and integration of sustainability into our everyday lives. And then we also see are the numerous open source and bottom-up initiatives that allow us to come up with new solutions to old problems (as well create new problems for us to solve).

So with so much going on, and with many of us looking for ways to make a meaningful contribution, what should we do?

There’s no one answer to that question, but learning how to work with a variety of people who are not like us, and in a way that increases everyone’s social energy and doesn’t suck us dry, is key. This isn’t easy and it requires trust, and trust is best built face-to-face, through conversations, debates and discussion.

So all this is why the theme we’ve chosen for this year’s edition of TEDxKraków is “Reconnect the dots”.

We’ll be featuring speakers and performers who will show how they connected the dots to create something new, or reveal something that wasn’t obvious, and we’ll be featuring some new (and not so new) ideas that we think could be useful to us here in Krakow. But our real goal is to connect the people who are up to something in Krakow with each other and inspire them to keep going. So the dots we’re really talking about, are you…

This year’s event will be the biggest yet, and we hope to see over 1000 of you on 13 June at ICE Kraków Congress Centre for a day of meeting, talking, listening and eating. We’ll be sharing our plans and speaker list with you over the next couple of months so make sure you’re following us on Facebook, Twitter and/or our website. Registration will open in mid-April. We’ll let you know when!

See you on 13 June!

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