Looking for ideas for the City 2.0 for the TED Prize

The TED Prize is awarded annually to an exceptional individual who receives $100,000 and, much more important, “One Wish to Change the World.” This year for the first time, the TED Prize was awarded to an idea: the City 2.0. And instead of giving the $100,000 prize to one big idea, it’s divided in 10 blocks of $10,000 each, to help seed 10 projects in cities around the world.

The TED Prize will create a platform to allow citizens anywhere to participate in the creation of their City 2.0. The platform will contain editorial content (video and text), a shareable project database, tools for local connection and resources for executing ideas. The idea is to create an ever-expanding network of citizen-led experiments, with the ability to scale successes and learn lessons from failures.

At TEDxKraków, we’d like to use the idea of the City 2.0 to start a conversation about the Kraków of the future. We’d also like to enter the TED Prize competition and win it for Kraków!

The bad news is that we have to submit our idea to TED by May 15 as the winners will be announced at TED Global in June. The good news is that we don’t have to submit too much detail ;)

So we’re organising a meeting for everyone who is interested in getting involved on Friday 11 May at 6pm. We’ll confirm the location shortly. at Kompany on ul. Berka-Joselewicza 21.

Everyone is welcome and if you have an idea you think would be suitable, please come prepared to give a 1 minute pitch. We’ll hear all the ideas and then figure out which ones to work on straight away. We’ll also work out where to go from here.

Learn more about the City 2.0 here: (please register yourselves too – there are a few of us there and we’re a bit lonely!)
Learn more about what we need to do to compete for the TED Prize here.
And learn more about the TED Prize here.

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