Events > TEDxKraków 2013
Gever Tulley

Kids today are protected from the world and their environment more than ever before; mostly due to our society’s understanding of child safety. However, through that protection they are really not learning anything. We tell kids what not to do, instead of allowing them to experiment and get creative.
Gever Tulley is all about letting kids play with fire, use a pocket knife and play with power tools. He believes that in order for them to be creative as well as safe, they must experiment with these objects (with adult supervision of course). For that purpose he founded the Tinkering School, a week long, sleepaway summer camp for children, where kids can release their creativity and learn by doing. Gever is also the founder and Education Architect of Brightworks, an innovative new K-12 school in San Francisco, and author of 50 Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Children Do). He is no stranger to TED as he has spoken at TED twice as well as at many TEDx events; this will be his first presentation in Poland.