Events > TEDxKraków 2013
Agnieszka Stach

Once a violinist, cellist and vocalist, today Agnieszka Stach is a law student and the author of two popular blogs: (law in alogrithms) and (creators’ law). Her mission to explain the law, which she says belongs to all of us and should be accessible, in simple and helpful language. She dreams of creating a prophylactic legal service, which she says would benefit us all. Her open attitude hasn’t gone down well with some members of the legal community..
Agnieszka’s “Law in Algorithms” blog attempts to create an algorythm of how the law applies to a particular legal problem. In other words, how the conversation between a lawyer and a client might go. Her intellectual property blog discusses examples taken from actual copyright and other intellectual property rights cases, such as who owns the copyright to a tattoo? Agnieszka relies on her own artistic background htoas helped her to understand the problems faced by graphic designers, photographers, filmmakers, designers, musicians and other makers.