One more time…TEDxKrakow 2013

If you missed this year’s awe-inspiring TEDxKraków conference, do not worry! We just posted all of the talks to the TEDx YouTube Channel – so watch, give thumbs up, share and comment on them. One thing is sure, you will not regret it as all of this year’s talks were phenomenal!

TEDxKraków 2013 took place on October 25 and was a true celebration of the maker culture. We had fantastic speakers from all over the world come to Kraków to show us how baking, coding, teaching, dancing, singing or innovating changes the world around us. It was one-of-a-kind event that inspired over 600 people in the audience and more that tuned in through the live stream. Here are our 2013 speakers and short descriptions of their presentations:

Adam Karcz shared his story of how he rebuilt a lunar excavator in just a few days just to compete at a NASA competition.

Agnieszka Stach made law understandable to the average Joe.

Anna Nacher talked about the unofficial flow of information around a city.

Catherine Bracy talked about how technology has mobilized grassroots movement and allowed for creating open governments around the world. She also helped launch the Polish movement to open government called Open Malopolska – a hackathon that took place after our live event.

Gever Tulley talked about how children should be respected and trusted with all sorts of objects especially the “too dangerous” ones.

Janusz Makuch demonstrated that you can do anything you want if you put your heart and soul into to, just like he did starting the Krakow Jewish Culture Festival.

Jeroen Beekmans showed us how cities are collections of ideas rather than buildings and that there are many options nowadays to make your city a better one.

Krakowski Teatr Tańca – KTT (Cracow Dance Theatre) demonstrated what love making is about.

Michał Żołnowski demonstrated how he built an observatory in Italy and manages it from Kraków.

Ralph Talmont taught us how smiling is important to our health and that we, Poles, really need to smile more.

Recycling Band showed us how you can make music out of anything, including trash.

Richard Satava talked about how new ideas generated and how he revolutionized operating rooms.

Roger Antonsen taught us that mathematics is more about communication than equations.

Steve Crawshaw talked about how impossible can become possible and that any regime can be overthrown simply by the strength of individuals joining forces to fight back.

Trine Hahnemann not only cooked lunch for us, but also taught us how to bake bread and why rye is so important to health.

Waldemar Domański showed us modern patriotism celebrated through singing.

We hope you enjoyed them. Again, we’d like to hear what you thought, so give us thumbs up, comment and share these talks via Facebook or Twitter!

-TEDxKraków Team


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